U盘速度鉴别(U disk speed differential)

想要区分U盘采用的是MLC的闪存芯片还是SLC的闪存芯片,厂家肯定不会说,通常只能通过看写入的速度来看,一般速度大于20MB/s,就可能是SLC;另外看价钱,SLC的闪存颗粒比MLC贵多了,4GB SLC大约是MLC的5倍,所以市面上的U盘大多数用的是MLC。

U disk you want to distinguish between the use of the MLC or SLC flash memorychips, the manufacturers certainly will not say, can only see by looking at the speed of writing, generally faster than 20MB / s, it could be SLC; other look at the price, SLC flash particles more expensive than MLC, 4GB SLC cost about five times more than MLC, so most of the market using U disk is MLC.

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